Friday, August 14, 2009

And the roller coaster ride continues...

I can hardly believe it has been almost a month since my last blog. Time is flying by quickly over here! In the last month, I have begun home monitoring for contractions, been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and was admitted to the hospital again. Those are the "big" loops on this roller coaster, though really everyday I feel like I am on the ups and downs of one long roller coaster ride.

So, where do I begin? Home monitoring for contractions is interesting. Twice a day I hook myself up to a monitor for an hour, then hook the machine up and it wirelessly transmits data to a nurse. She then discerns how many contractions I had over the past hour and calls to let me know how many there were. This is a stressful part to my day, especially recently as the numbers are on a steady incline. If I have to many contractions, I get a second hour on the monitor. If the number doesn't go down, I am sent to the hospital. So far, this has not been the case for me. The few times I have been over my threshold, by the time I re-monitor for a second hour, the number of contractions has come down to an acceptable amount. Phew! As much as I like Edwards Hospital, I don't want to be there yet!

Gestational diabetes, oh my! I knew I was at risk for having it, but was really hoping that I would have avoided it. I have been able to manage it with just monitoring my diet and restricting carbs, thankfully! I check my blood sugars four times a day and report to a nurse daily. Now I just have to hope that I will continue these meal portions after the babies are born, because I am sure it is a much healthier diet than what I had been consuming!

The trip to the hospital was so unnecessary. In my opinion, the doctor had over reacted to my level of contractions - and three days late! Seriously, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week I was having quite a few contractions - much more than my normal. It wasn't until Friday afternoon that they sent me to the hospital. After monitoring me for about 2 hours, they sent us home.

Good news is that we are passing some of the major milestones. The first hurdle we had was to make it to 26 weeks. Done. Our next milestone is just a few days away, and that is 28 weeks. I am confident that we will make it with flying colors! At 28 weeks, the brain is completely developed, so the major risks will be that the lungs are not fully developed. Which, in the next few weeks, as precautionary measures, I will be given medication to help speed up the process, should they be born early. The next milestone is around week 32, which is when the lungs are pretty much completely developed, and the babies then spend their remaining time in the womb learning how to suck and gaining weight. Our goal is to make it to 36 weeks, which is the longest the doctors would allow for triplets. So that means we have 8 1/2 more weeks to go! Some days that hardly seems possible, and yet other days it seems like it will be a piece of cake.

This past week, my mom has bought me the supplies I needed to start working on Joshua and Haley's cross stitching project. So, I have spent some time this week working on that. I am hoping to have both done before they are born, so I need to be diligent! And really, since I am on the couch, can I really have an excuse to not be working on it? Not really!

This picture of me enjoying my new glider was taken about a week ago - at 26 1/2 weeks. And I keep growing!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Back Home Again

Well, last night was hospital visit number two. Good thing we like Edward's Hospital! Thankfully, we were only there for two hours and then sent home.
I had experienced a sudden onset of vision problems. Nothing major, just a "floater" of sorts. Unfortunately, that is a warning sign of preeclampsia, a dangerous complication for me and the babies. I called and spoke to the on call nurse and we decided that if that was the only warning sign, that I could wait until morning and be seen in the office. Well, a few hours later and a headache (the pressurey, behind your eyes and forehead kind) started. A call back to the nurse and it is confirmed, I am to head to the hospital for them to evaluate me. When Jason got home from class to take me, he took my blood pressure - 152/90. Not good, especially with the symptoms I was having.
On the way to the hospital, Jason and I prayed that God would reveal to us how much bigger he is than the doctors and nurses and that we would trust in Him for his protection and nurturing of our three precious children. Each day, I am reminded anew of what a gift he has given to us. As I remember all that we went through to get pregnant, to be here, God gave this to us. He chose us to parent these three, to fall in love with them, even now while they are still in the womb. There is no question in my mind how I became pregnant with triplets. It still blows me away, but I have no question of who to thank for this blessing. Well, last night was no different. Once we got to the hospital, they took my blood pressure - 119/68. Really, 119/68. That is lower than my blood pressure has been for the bulk of my pregnancy. For someone who usually has "white coat" syndrome of high blood pressure at doctor appointments, this is amazing. God is amazing.
And we did enjoy the perk of having to monitor the babies heartbeats as well! During my pregnancy, I have loved the galloping horse sounds of my three babies heartbeats. There is no sweeter sound - especially when I am so worried for them. Our nurse was amazed at how active they were - almost needing to bring in an ultrasound machine to check on them. But after a few minutes of listening to them move around and not being able to hear much more than the amnio fluids swishing around, they settled down enough for us to hear each of their hearts beating. The nurse also got to feel quite a bit of the movement, which just makes me so happy to know that they are getting bigger and stronger each day.
Oh, I guess you want to know the outcome of our visit. Time to add another doctor to the schedule. I need to see an eye specialist. Could be regular vision changes during pregnancy, but we need to rule out that there is anything wrong with my eye. Absolutely no complications to the pregnancy.
We will get through this pregnancy one day at a time. And today, we are one more day closer and praising our God for that.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More Bed Rest

Well, it has been 4 weeks since I was put on bed rest. Up until now, things were going really well. At our doctor appointment yesterday, we learned that my cervix is starting to shrink again. We are praying that I will be able to keep these babies in for at least 5 more weeks, but would prefer to make it 9 more. Well, even at 9 more weeks, I would be settling, since I wanted to make it to 37 weeks (14 weeks away). But the prognosis for the babies is greatly increased at 28 and then again at 32 weeks. So that is what we will pray for! In the meantime, I will continue laying around on the couch.
So, now for the exciting part of our last two weeks. I finally started to feel the babies moving last week! It was a long awaited treat, to say the least! It started out as just the slightest "touch" type feeling - on the inside, which was weird at first. Quite hard to describe too, but somehow as a mom, you just know it is your baby you feel. Then this week the movements became quite a bit stronger. Finally, on our way to the doctor on Tuesday, I had Jason put his hand on my stomach, just to see if it was strong enough for him to feel anything - and he did! He was able to feel Haley moving around, stretching and kicking! Christina moves around quite a bit too, but because of how low she is, I think it will still be a little while before Jason can feel her. Joshua doesn't seem to be moving as much, unless he is like Christina, and it is just a positional factor - because I don't get to feel him very often, but boy when we have an ultrasound, does he move!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bed Rest Projects

I have finished my first bed rest project! Now I need to send Jason to the store for supplies so I can work on the other two! I don't know the last time I finished a project in such a short amount of time. I've only been home for a week and a half! How fun!
Unfortunately, Jason doesn't have the luxury of working on nice, leisurely projects. He has been busy emptying out the nursery, putting on the first coat of paint (thanks for all of your help, Cindy!) - who knew it would take two coats, doing dishes, sweeping the floors, making all the meals, being my taxi driver for doctor appointments, working at the firehouse, going to school, and I am sure a million more things I am forgetting at the moment. No wonder he is running out of steam. I have an amazing husband, and am so thankful for the care that he gives me!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

19 Week Ultrasound

Baby "A" is Christina Joy. She is a little camera shy - putting her arm over her face. (With a little bit of Haley in the bottom right corner - we know who the ham of the family will be!)

Baby "B" is Haley Nicole. Here she is, a nice and snug - pretending that just moments ago she wasn't trying to get in the picture with Christina!
Baby "C" is Joshua Daniel. Joshua looks like he is the most squished one, but he actually has the most room! Is this our future bed hog?

Baby "A" is Christina Joy. (With a little bit of Haley in the bottom right corner - we know who the ham of the family will be!)

Boy How Things Are Changing

This past week has been a week of change - and I still haven't fully processed all that the changes entail. Last Wednesday we had a tour of the NICU (just in case our babies would need to be there, we would be prepared). During the tour I was sharing with the case manager that I couldn't believe how good I felt and how the pregnancy was going "perfectly". A few hours later we were at a routine doctor appointment and ultrasound when the doctor informed us that I wouldn't be going home - I was to be admitted to the hospital. I was astonished. I needed to have a surgery done to ensure that my babies would stay in until the pregnancy was farther along. So, Thursday morning the surgery is performed. We thought everything was great - until complications started revealing themselves 6 hours later. Fear and anxiety kept pushing themselves to the forefront - despite our attempts to trust that God was still at work, that He was in control. A few hours later the doctors were able to ease our anxiety by letting us know that all three babies were ok, but they would possibly have to redo the procedure on Friday. So Friday morning the doctors run various tests to find out exactly what the complication was. By Friday afternoon we learned that the stitches that were put in to keep the babies in were also in my bladder. So, surgery again - to remove Thursday's stitches and then to put new ones in. Surgery went well and there were no complications. By Saturday afternoon, I was finally released from the hospital. But not to resume normal life. For the remainder of my pregnancy, I will remain on bed rest - not the take it easy and relax bed rest, but the you can only get up to use the bathroom and take a quick (sitting down) shower bed rest. So, that is my life for the next 3 - 4 months.
Another big change that we are getting used to - we bought a minivan a week and a half ago. That was one of the most stressful parts for me - having to get rid of my "green bean" (our Sunfire) and get a van. I cannot believe what a relief it was for me to actually get the van - the getting part wasn't stressful at all. We should have done it a few months ago! I loved driving the van for the few days we had it before I was put on bed rest. We feel confident that we made the right choice and look forward to loading it up with our precious children.
Wondering if there were any more big changes? There sure is one more! Since the beginning of our pregnancy, Jason and I knew that we did not want to find out the sex of our babies. We knew we were having three and that was enough for us. We enjoyed the suspense of wondering what we would have. And I enjoyed that we thought complete opposite of each other - a little competition to find out who would be right. Ok, maybe that is pushing competition a little to far, maybe I am just sick, but that is ok with me! :) I thought we would have two girls and a boy, Jason thought it was two boys and a girl. We felt tortured during our ultrasound last week, as the doctor needed to know the sex and we couldn't look. But, we had decided not to know and in the end we were thankful that the babies were being modest and that we didn't find out. I know, you are thinking that I wouldn't go into this whole long story if we didn't learn anything. You're right. On Thursday afternoon when we learned that there were complications to the surgery, I just had to know what we were having - I longed to be able to pray for our babies by name - not just location (A, B, and C). After much begging, the doctor finally shared with us that we are having two girls and a boy! We are looking forward to the arrival of Christina Joy, Haley Nicole, and Joshua Daniel. I love being right!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Yesterday I sat and read some of my own posts from a previous blog, and felt the need to comment on what I had written.
Last August I had written a post after our first attempt at IVF had failed. When I look back to last summer, I only remember feeling devastated and hopeless. But during that time, I must have also felt hope, for I had written "We are confident that God has children already picked for us - we just don't know yet how they will become ours" - now that is hope - not just that God had a child picked for us, but CHILDREN. Little did I know that those children that God had picked for us would come as a "package" - triplets. I am speechless at the gift that God has given to me. I am also thankful that I rarely freak out at the idea of triplets - somehow I just know that we will be ok.